. >> rotella: he even made friends with a b-movie actor named rahul bhatt...it's not that i didn't want to do it. >> rotella: ...who would only talk to me if i paid him. >> you've got to do something for me, sebastian. >> rotella: i refused. >> nobody else knew headley the way i knew him. >> rotella: he introduced headley to mumbai's party scene. >> rotella: devon bharti is the commissioner of investigations for the mumbai police. >> after this place, they took a left turn. >> rotella: he questioned the people who knew headley, like his secretary. headley hired her for the mumbai office of the immigration company owned by his friend, rana.gu#? the business was here, but it was just a front. >> rotella: headley had succeeded on his first mission: insinuating himself in mumbai. >> you know, if you go through old bollywood films, there's always one white guy who is inflicting some vile hardship on poor peasants or, you know, innocent street pavement dwellers and stuff. and we all grew up with that, that one evil guy who always wore a suit and hung around at expen