crumbling because of the mortgage crisis highly investing profiteers saw a new opportunity in food boehm vade of the chicago markets and began to buy time contracts in unprecedented quantities causing prices to shoot up. investors sometimes of real estate and housing and jumped on the bandwagon of primary commodities food commodities their money and the monopoly control of every business companies like cargill drove the prices upwards. i totally disagree with that kind of talk that speculators are not behind the big rise in prices speculation has very very little to do with it. when bubbles break liquid gets flashed all over the place and yes there is not a question there was some correlatives so. i don't doubt for a moment that speculators move grain prices do i think that they move grain prices by one hundred percent now i think that speculators problem move move the grain prices by twenty percent fifteen percent. that prices would have gone up anyway. because of the weather problems on the weak dollar and the export bans and tight world stocks. that's why prices run up the hunger that has