kim established the east bay caerleon school and is a past president of the -- korean school and is a past president of the community organization. he led immigration celebrations. he has received a presidential recognition award from the 14th, 15th, and 16th presidents of the republic of korea. this is the highest award given to members of the caribbean -- korean diaspora internationally. he was highly respected in our community, serving the population from youth to seniors. he cared about elevating the profile of our community, educating and engaging korean americans on the rolls the card holder in our communities. he was quite active. one of the most admirable was when he became primary caregiver for his wife, who is currently battling pancreatic cancer. upon her diagnosis, he supported and attended her health and well-being seven days a week, until recently. he is succeeded by his son, who serves at the mta as a human resources director, his daughter, his wife, and his three grandchildren. derek is a friend of mine and someone who carries a legacy with community outreach and advoc