as we look what happened in cylndra. hindsight is 20/20 and some of the hindsight was 20/10 or better, clairvoyant. there were things where the market took an unexpected turn. the cost of solar modules dropped tremendously in a very short period of time and by the time we gave the loan totally unexpected. we were watching all those market conditions but going forward, i think -- knowing what we know doing all these things, one has to take risks in order to promote innovative manufacturing. i think as-inch in my remarks, it's a very important part of the history of the united states. other countries are doing this. we just have to go forward. we can perhaps learn but always go forward just as i said about researching. >> your department still has quite a few billion dollars to spend, right, on new programs that might stimulate job growth? can you tell us a little bit about what you're going to do with that? >> no, the 1705 loan program is done. there's only a little bit of subsidy left. and i think it's a very important d