g.h. hitachi with design certification for the latest design generation three esbwr. and that is rated -- >> can you break those initials down for us? >> i call it the excellent simple safe simple boiling water reactor. but that's not what we call it. it's the latest design and it is a passive cold reactor. so in the unlikely event you would lose off site or on site power, gravity and circulation would keep that plant running for a minimum of seven days, and if you are able to add water to that plant, without any water involvement, you would be able to keep that plant operating. >> is g.e. working on a small reactor? >> g.e. hitachi is working on a small reactor that is a little different than the light water react stores you've been hearing about. we've been speaking about a prison. reactor. it was originally developed by the national laboratories. it also would use nuclear fuel. you would basically put the light water fuel through a recycling center where you would be able to get that fuel palate out. you would get 90% of the uranium value out of a recycled fuel pal