. >> gafrp, commissioners. my name is john carey, an southeastern in san francisco and i represent the sink hole concluded in late 1997 and the city agreed to restore the retaining wall that ran parallel to the house that went into the sink home and disappeared. and fixing the retaining wall or how that would leave the property and other than the city represented that the property would be in the same condition other than the damage to the house and the lot would be a usable lot. and in reality, they informed them that 1200 square feet would not be restored to them. when the initially occurred they were given an emergency permit to stabilize the lot and as soon as the city's work on the restoration of the retaining wall they were given the permit but the settlement of the case. there is no reference to the permit or the scope of the permit or what worked with or what would or would not be done. and the concrete representations that have popped up in recent letters to the commission. i have sent a letter to intr