. >> does a hollywood lifestyle, does -- oi there's no such thing as a hollywood lifestyle. >> there there? >> no, there isn't. >> do you not think so? >> i know there isn't. you, because part of your career was working in tabloid stuff and seeking the tabloid headline, for the most part, those tabloid people are not the working people of in this town, for example, or new york. the centers of entertainment. the people who work in the entertainment industry get up at 4:00, 5:00 in the morning, go to bed 8:00, 9:00 at night and working at creating stuff. >> i've interviewed people like dennis hopper, charlie sheen, mickey rourk. people who are genuine hell raisers. >> you have gone through the list of people who are addicted and whether they were addicted at work, i don't know. it's true. you have hit those tabloid people, wonderful artists, wonderful actors, all of them. they -- i don't know whether they did that at work but if they did that at work too often they wouldn't work. they weren't there. charlie, for example, says that with the exception of occasional -- occasional exceptio