we look at the region, and put it into a context of, we have islam, we have christianity, we have jewdism. that's fraught with place and what's layered on to the place, the theology and spiritualty and the life of the people. why do you think that it's water and a river rather than say a valley, a mountain top. what is it about the water and river there that evokes the different layers of politics, theology and life. >> the river divides terrain and it can be a place of connection and a place of crossing where people come into contact with neighbors and others. where traditions and language and material and traditions move fluidly. also, addressing the question of why water. water particularly, in ancient times is purifying. to move across the water has been imagined as a transformative process. somehow, people are really changed in the process of the crossing. in many cases, they almost move of one phase of life to the other. this is illustrated beautifully in joshua when the exodus ends and the entire people of israel crosses the jordan river into a new state. to answer the other questi