meredith thomas. warner lee. richard fong. in that order, please. go ahead and get started. >> according. good morning. dave bernett. as the president indicated, the initial concern from the people that objected to the process, was the stops election issue. basically park's death what -- staff and went and picked a spot that was right between the area which is the meadow and washington street. there was a fair amount of concern on the group of us that were involved in the original creation of this park. the park has very different personas. block 202 persona is quite normal, and is a result of the $1.9 million expenditure you guys made to upgrade the place. it has a nice cohesive feel to it. block 203 is the brainchild of one of the gardners that was on the original staff and had no funding money and basically when the freeway came down picked up my machine and the rhododendrons and the other thing in the park for all barred from golden gate park as a result of upgrades that were done. it has a very natural sort of feel to it. the point i would like