and the british comedian steve ku fwmbings an tells the inquiry into media ethics that reporters rifledhrough his rub herb bin. -- rubbish bin. his days as prime minister may be over but burlesconi is still in the spotlight. he is facing tax evasions charges and he's reviving one of his passions outside of politics, releasing a new album of love songs. >> 10 days ago, sylvio burlesconi was running italy. today he was heading for a courtroom where he's fighting allegations of tax evasion. the case is just one of three he faces. he's also charged with having sex with an underage prostitute, a nightclub dancer, calling herself ruby. now that he's no longer prime minister, mr. burlesconi can't argue he's too busy to come to court. he denies all allegations against him and despite his legal and political troubles, the party-loving ex-prime minister is still in the mood for music and love. mr. burlesconi just brought out this c.d. he doesn't actually sing on "the true love," but the words are all his. not everybody is impressed, though. >> i wouldn't buy it, ever. it just isn't my style. not