. -3 in fact, the state gave difffrent nnmbers tt differrnt differeet aggncies flawed data 3 exlude marrland their -3 studd.01:11:54"i'm not surppised, i'm nnt surprised by ii"they allo found the state did not hhve enough safegaurds n place to insure footer care chillren weren't receiving too any medicaittns. p:12:55"it's very, vvryyeaay to pacify children who have a lackkof parents anmd they are out of control"a lack of effective overisght sate deleeate jill caater thinks should be aadressed by the peeislature next year.1:11:53" i think it's a situation that calls foo legislationnto monitor better"but t'' alss a policy thaa sttte offiiials pay is bbginning to hange gaoo eport we implemented a peer to peer program anti-psychotics for ccildren. ssill, for warthman edication & ove... sommthing she gave all -3 her chiidren...08:51:27"i raised them just like they 3 state officcalssalso say flawed ata was turneddover to the g-a-o. thattwas due to problems with the tranisition &ptooa new software system for trackkng children ii foster care. comiig up... 3 ray rrce wasn't haapy aboot his role earli