bin lag@den will cause for theg@ th his og@wn al qaeda obsession, immediatesoufan unde@ by the time heg@ so anyoneg@ g@ g@s in cases like these ig@ g@thg@g@ g@g@ sometimes, it is.trg@ied to bast itg@g@ g@u something, he needs to havel g@ in operativg@e named g@knowledge andills to get insi@ ang@ would know so much about g@oug@that... he told me, "i saw you in"g@ >> smith: soto kandahar, but af@ >> qg@uso provided significant e cog@and g@his knowledge about t g@ p about afghan g@ >> smith: during one s quso mentioned a named tag@ormer bodyguard ofa bl qaeda'g@ >> the very logical questi when ig@s khallad?g@ime in bangs g@eliver but had been planning th attack in yemen, why have b bangkok?g@ many questions c we thought mayplanning to do so@ soufan hoped they could help fill in someg@ blanks, tel g@ did you lear g@at hg@ad gone on? g@g@"theg@ wall."inely, the jus@ ear. g@ the time g@ >>nesg@ of the time period tha this interpretation thatg@ intelligence cannot be sha with peog@ple who are work criminal investigations.g@g@we @ it didn't g@ >> g@soufan would continue to u more