challlnging for the ravens this off-seasso is reelly but gonna be tuff....hey want to do an extennion for joe flaaccain a ravenn.second in the ntire nfl in total yards from sccimmaag, rice told the paper the ravens always find a way tookeep theii starrplayers, and that he thinks he'll be one of them...stay uned... it's thhusday, anddthat means another edition of oor coors liiht silvvr spptlight, where establishments..this week, one - mill with linebacker dannell eelerbb.. manager dan duquette made his - first trade since ttking the joo...he acquured lefthaader for two minor rom the dodgers - eaguers....venland ad a dgers - strong seassn ii triple a last pear bbfore beinn called up...he was 3-2 wiihha 3.03 earned run averrge n 5 starts.. starts.. but the bigggst nees of all: plbert pujols has a new team tonightt..he veteran cardinall pirst baseman aggeed to a million ddllar contracc with the la's the seeond highest deal in majoo league history and only the &pprd to top 200 million..thh angelss lso sigged former ranger starter cj wilson to a 5 yyar 77.5 million dollarr ddal. that'll do it