they will stay with a relative one eye, hotel lanai, car one night, and more. a lot of families cannot sustain this. families often leave the state are moved back into an abusive situation, lose custody of their children, or they drop off the radar and do not continue getting services, but they never achieve stability. one of the scary things right now that the overnight shelters are reaching capacity. the last resort shelters that we used to use the like providence, have recently had to turn families the way for the first time in history, which is pretty scary. [bell rings] supervisor avalos: your time is right there. >> ok. so the last point i just wanted to make is that, unlike other residential programs, compass connecting point does not have programming capacity. we will continue to serve in the family that is homeless and in need of shelter, but our budget does not increase at all. the case managers are working with triple caseloads, tripoli a lot of hot line calls. there is emergency services like diapers, bus tokens, and food. but we're definitely very