the mitccell courthouse the wounded hero faced a new orddal - a termination hearing for taking his oncernshe wrong message. 22:066when someone ius shot in the liie of duty, there is a few peope are in that that so category, that whennyou make that kind of sacrifice for the jurisdiction you're protecting, they kind of ower you a job for as long as you sheriff's office why lane... who took a bullet in line of of losing/lost/may loss his ct pob for simply speaking his mind......but all we received was silence. 14:30:50"the only thing i dii that morning was wake-uu, went to work to do mm job, prooect the citizens of baltimore ann get shot nd almost lost my life." phe sheriff'' eparttent would not comment on the deputy's fate. and they're alss refusing toorelease details abbut a seccnd invvstigation into the shooting prompttd by lane's and other deupties allegatiins. the payroll tax debate continuess.. as the presiddnt tries to persuade congress to exteed extra fifteen hundred dollars in the pockees of americans. the cuus will expire at the end of tte month. obama says: "how can you &pfight too