it seems that tv and movies have played a great part in changing society bostick acceptance of certain cars words -- society's acceptance of certain curse words. amy mentioned the mpaa had different, a great amount of focus on not allowing the supreme court to get into rating the movies. how could people go abaoout having a greater say into the content on tv, music videos, and things like that? should the they contact their congressmen, or try to get more of an influence so that they can influence the supreme court, and whoever is responsible for making the rules for language and content on these shows and everything? guest: you know, there are a lot of organizations out there who actually do talk to the studios court tv networks about their concerns -- or tv networks about their concerns, whether it is movies or tv shows. common sense media -- they spend a lot of time looking into these movies, especially things that might not be appropriate for children, talking to the studios and networks about what is appropriate. congress, i suppose, could pass a rule, but that is hard. probably t