inmate derrick rayborn is the first to enter the ring. derrick appears sluggish, raising doubts about his conditioning. the bell rings for round two and both fighters come out swinging. as the second round of fighting comes to an end, derek and his opponent don't seem to notice the bell. [ bell ] >> with one round left, derrick's opponent appears to have a slight edge over him. this is the last round for derrick to impress the judges. [ bell ] [ bell ] >> the final bell rings, and the fighters return to their corners waiting for the judge's decision. >> ladies and gentlemen, by the way of split decision, we have a winner. the number one contender in the light-heavyweight division, give it up for angola's -- >> when they said split decision, i knew he had it. oh man, i know he's got it. they're going to give it to him because he's at home. >> it is now time for curtis merrills to step into the ring. the stakes are high. not only as bragging rights, but a title belt. both fighters start off slow. neither impressing the judges. >> in round tw