you know we're we're phil gramm the guy who you know gramley while in the commodity futures modernization act he's on the board of directors or at least was so this is the difference between these two systems between demand side economics and supply side economics and how supply side economics wipes out entire economy which is why in the last thirty years eighty percent of all the growth in our economy of all the money all the benefits eighty percent in the last thirty years has gone to the top one percent of americans and the average american today the average one american worker or today is making twenty seven hundred dollars less a year than he was making when ronald reagan came into office they've been stealing us blind it's an insane theory it's time to put it to bed it's time to put it to you know give it a nice funeral let's go back to classical economics. and that's the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom harmon dot com free speech shot origin artsy dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot