for example, ms. canty said we would track down bin laden no matter how long it took. and if americans had two words that summarized the results of the attack on bin laden, a mission accomplished. they have had a completely different reaction showing 55 percent of pakistan as bought the attack on been lauded killing him was a bad thing. that is not because they think that by lead to extremism is a good thing. but overwhelming margins polling consistently shows to buy land extremism. escalating into hostility what they perceive as american interference so from the mayor can point* of view for the attack on bin laden was a great success from the of pakistani point* of view puts them into a untenable position that they did not know bin laden was there than they looked incompetent and ignorant if they did now than they were composite nobody likes to be put in that position and from the pakistani point* of view it is the latest in a series of breaches of pakistani sovereignty. they are very proud people. they resent what they perceive i am not offering editorial comments th