your tires had been getting a little aged and you thought, oh, well, next week i'll run down to sears roebuck and get a new set of tires, you are out of luck. and the only way you could get another set of tires was to go before the government's tire board and prove that you had an essential reason for getting a new set of tires. likewise, radios, bicycles, clocks -- even clocks, the common american could no longer purchase after the spring of 1942. all of those mechanisms were used in the war effort. now, most americans supported the sudden changes. and that was, of course, with the wave of patriotism that swept through, everyone wanted to win the war. most people did. many people had new -- knew fighting men overseas and the way the war had began with japan bombing pearl harbor before the declaration of war was given to the secretary of state and that angered everyone but what did the government do to suddenly help the american economy meet the war emergency? well, it did what it does a lot of time and it began regulating everything. the federal war production board took control of the alloc