dr. larick, your recommendation to us. >> first of all, senator, i think that the u.s. government is lulled into a false sense of security by the level -- how low interest rates are on our debt. >> right now. >> right now. it's driven by basically three factors. one, the mess in europe, so there's no other place for international investors to place their funds. two, the fact that the dollar is a reserved currency so foreigners are forced to buy huge amounts of treasuries and finally that the federal reserve is buying so many themselves. you have very few private investors in the united states buying u.s. treasuries. i think going back what is lacking in this couldn't from a government policy standpoint is a simple program that answers five questions. those questions are, what are you trying to do? how are you going to do it? why is it going to work? how much is it going to cost? and where are you going to get the money? congress hasn't answered that question. the administration has not answered that question. the markets are waiting for an answer to that question. >> i