(áállok livv: "the debate discussions over amendmentss were expecttd to take hours later. came to an abrupt end." ////////////////////vo////////// ////////// lawmakees elt with only one amendment, the one sponsored by republican delegate wade kach. he wants the mendment to extend the bill'' effective 2013. that amendment ppased, then discussionn over same-sex marriage in maryland was over sides agree it's going to be a bi-parrisaa support and both sides are calling tonight's decision o end &ptalks after passing just one aaeedment, a calculated political maneuver. //////////(del..clagett) "beccuse it would have gone into effect as it's written now in october, the election's in november. if ttey want it on the ballot, it gives the opposition aachanne to (del. hough) "i think that " stinks. i think people expect on a moraa issue like this that people should vote their conscious up oo down and keep yourrpromise to voters."(del. o'donnell) "the reality is, what that really signals is the governor's arm twisting that's going on here to secure the minimum number of votes is not s