searchinn for former mississippi gooernor haley barbour, in the wake of the pardoning scandal thht hasvictims' families in tears.riggt before he left offfce, barbour granted fulll pardons to more than 200 people... including four convicted murderers.buu barbour iin't ed lavandera went to try and get a. answers. p-reportee pkg-as folllws -- since haley barbour won't come to us, we thought we'd go to him. we found the former mississippi governor giving a speech aa washington and lee university in lexingtoo, virginiaaed: "hi, governor, ed lavandera with cnn."gov: "hi mind if we talk to you reel u quick?"gov: "llt me go get my instructions first."ed: "can you come out and talk to us hhreein a second?"he wouldn't give us a second... and walked right inside the bbilding... but not before ssowing us what he thought of the questions. us aboot the pardons?gov: (inside door, inaudible)ed: "ok we'll wait for you out here (says hard to hear, stay where it's cold)ed: "he just told me to stay out waiied... barbour didn't come back.. we went inside to find him giving his speech.