care problem which is actually very well under way in the private sector already in places like gunderson and kaiser and mayo and intermountain and others which is to quote my ranking member turn our system, our health care system from one that is -- used in a different context. but inefficient and wasteful to something had a is healthy, lean, and productive. and because that's a cultural transformation, because it requires turning a few corners, because it requires an element as one day of experimentation and innovation, it's not something that lends itself to scoring. and scoring is always the coin of the realm in the budget discussions. so what i urged you and our off the record meeting when i urged you again here today is as you're discussing this problem, please don't overlook that element of a potential solution which would not only help with medicare and medicaid costs into the future, but help would health care cost as cross the board which are burdening our famili the entire american economy. that's my worry. because you can't score it, ca a systemic nature, we tend not to talk a