he always loved haguele, of course, as most young men do, you know. this business of getting past that and if you could then deal with alternative ideology outlooks which were in variance with what you believed in then you were getting somewhere. that's your invictus theme. >> right. dr. king says isn't it something that well, he believed the greatest christian in modern times was not a christian at all and that was gandhi. he felt gandhi or anyone who wanted to have a world of peace, that gandhi was inescapable. let's talk about gandhi's influence. >> i think when he said that he was thinking of gandhi not as a hindu. he was thinking of gandhi as a moral human being. that's where you have to deal with that socratic element in martin. there is obviously the attraction toward gandhi, you know, in terms of what he had achieved and the spiritual strength that enabled that achievement. it's important but also implicit in martin and there is appreciation of this movement in human terms that far transcended