miione, frmyointof view, late-night food in the city is veimportant. here h een lots of mention made to people being drunk. -- jack in the box does not hing food late at night help peleot tbedr certainly not as strong when commit -- police conditions, orpeal, ink late-iti latht foobetwee 2:000 and 6:00 and 4:00 is very important, especially for people coming out ot for them closing between 2:00 a 4:00. coer it would be between 4:00 a0. certainlyno 4 does anyone else have further discussion pot of theconcentratio between 2:00 and 4:00. eople are looking fo an alteative place toeat at affordable. there are many already. affole -- it is unfortunate. state, i eati there asc well. my brother and sister lived around the corner. times have changed, obviously. nightclub owners have stepped it up. ccessio a changeske a loto if the place is shut down, it is quiet. at the same time, we have a reonsibili te pele that do patronize some of the businesses, even the bars across the street. whether theygoere ornot, they have a chance to go and get some coffee as well.