president obama's speech in osawatomie invites compare with roosevelt's address. roosevelt's address on a quick reading -- i know you were all required to read it so i did as well -- seems to me more compelling than president obama's. it certainly in teddy roosevelt's style is more energetic. given the advantage to, in this judgment that i suppose teddy roosevelt is almost fixed in the card. for who in this situation is copying whom? by coming to osawatomie obama was paying homage to the originator. even as i'm sure that he hoped to be seen as outdoing him. i doubt, in that case, that he succeeded. and for good reason. teddy roosevelt had more time to prepare his address. he was, perhaps, the deeper thinker. and, of course, he had sought counsel from the lights of herbert crowley, as succinct from david plouffe. question of style, teddy roosevelt defined what he thought was the central issue of his time and he sought to address it. historians tell us that the concentration of power and wealth was, in fact, the central issue of his time. whatever president obama is