or could it be perplexus? although i'm a bit perplexed by what it does. maybe it will be an entertainment tie-in, one that boy-toy giant hasbro is banking on. those are toys spun from upcoming movies like spiderman, g.i. joe and even hasbro's popular battleship game. >> with the amount of entertainment that kids consume on all screens-- not just television, but on mobile devices, on their laptops, and on desktops-- entertainment programming is clearly a driver in our business. it's not the only driver, but it's a powerful driver. >> reporter: as you can imagine, toy sales are fairly resilient. after all, who doesn't love to play? but analysts are predicting a flat-to-slightly-up year for sales this year as more kids are being distracted by things other than toys. >> increasingly it's difficult to compete with free, when there are games online, or activities online, or virtual world's online that you can get involved with initially at least for free. that takes up a lot of that available mindshare for what kids can do. >> reporter: which is why many toymak