. -- seeininng none. that will be the order. item 10. >> item 10, prevent -- preliminary fiscal year 2012- 2013 annual budget and work program. this is an information item. >> good afternoon, commissioner. cynthia fong. due to the sake of time, and to the fact that this is the first preview before the committee, i will freeze by this slides pretty fast. i will take part of the first presentation, in the authority executive director will walk you through the authority annual work program. i should also note you typically see the budget in april of each fiscal year, but this year i will take maternity leave time in april and bring you before -- bring the budget before you this month in anticipation of approval. commissioner wiener: congratulations. >> thank you. i would like to let you know this item starts on -- in your packet. you have attached ment, which is year 2013 annual budget. you have attached it bhment b, e budget plan. and the analysis of how we came to the numbers. of the nexn the next slide is ae chart. it is about 8