who are in the ivy leagues and great graduate collars all supported almost to a man, richard hot stet ler, harry kulling aer, i mean, these are seminal figures in the historical profession. they couldn't get a life. every time they worked and worked and worked there was never a prayer for adly stevenson to defeat dwight eisenhower. the first time in 52 stevenson lost by 3.5 million votes. the second time he only lost by 9.7 million votes. it when these they taught grat watt system fares. when a brat was and nixon was, and it became the stuff of the rightings, and their graduate stings and it's lattsted until now. there's a biography coming out, a man who is a journalist did an enormous amount of research. he went to dartmouth and went to the library of congress, spent considerable time in abilene. he lives in los angeles and never came to the nixon lean raer. that's the lock and the short of it. it's an ingrained nature among a certain subset of very, very influential people that looked at nixon from the beginning of his vice presidency and for that matter dwight eisenhower was a twit in