that the blue line typically produced higher totals of part one violent crime than the green line, ucrditionally, the trends do not always the mine, which is called out in the orange call out. the department so intention is for both of the numbers to be relatively comparable. as a result of the comptroller's office analysis into why these lines look different, we identified three key findings that compromise both the accuracy and consistency in crime reporting by the department. first, the department does not have a single system of record for reporting crime statistics. rather, there are multiple data systems that may cause fluctuations that are not the result of underlying crime trends. an example of a data source weakness is that accounts for homicides, rapes, and shootings are maintained manually because the other systems cannot maintain their accounting. secondly, the actual development of the profile itself includes complex manual processes by the unit. as a result, the profile is prone to human error. lastly, as shown in the grass, gis reports of part one crime numbers are telli