o yoattrut at, to the best of your knowledge -- is that attributed to the patrons of jack in the box? isthera homeles populati around there? do you have any idea? there is a large homeless population. i would say the majority of the trash in the area is from jack vice chair joseph: are there other restaurants in the area that are open late at night? a donut shop? same area, but in the richmond direct -- richmond district. office moore: we do not. atays that there is a high frequency of cal regarding crimeocrrt or near jack in the box between 20 an 6:00 fficermoor that is false. vice chair joseph: i guess that is most important question. i wanted to know if that was true or false. commissioners, do you have any questions for the police on this issue? miione, froint of view, late-night food in the city is ve important. herebeen lots of mention fo made to people being drunk. -- jack in the box does not serve up a whole. peleot tbedre a night helps certainly not as strong when they get in their cars. commit -- police conditions, orpeal, ink late-itions. latight foobetwee 2:00 and 4:00 is