the one from aaron burr is a letter of routine legal matters from december of 1800. and the one from alexander hamilton is also a legal paper from 1795. this autograph, by john quincy adams, where he signed as the secretary of state and it's routine, departmental business from january 16th of 1818. john quincy adams, who's one of america ew's great secretaries of state, arranging with england for the joint occupation of the oregon territory and obtaining from spain, the cessation of the floridas which included eastern louisiana. he also formulated the doctrine with president monroe on the monroe doctrine. and he was sixth president of the united states in 1825. the oldest document we have in the collection is this full letter that was written by vol vol tair. he was a french philosopher and flown as "the father of ten lightenment." this letter was written in 1732 and the letter is thanking the author for his criticism or review of his book of history. the history of charles xii. as father of enlightenment, this is the basis of the american revolution. and i think tha