contributing to hildren's development moving intt autism 25 there is nnocause or curr for autism, buttor for there &pis no cause moving into autis 255 &pchildren's developmenn moving intt autism 25 there is no cause or cure for autism, but doctors say the is earll diagnosis. presiddnt obama called on congress to end tax breaks for pil companies...but many republicans....disagree.but as jessica yellin reportt... it's sides of the aisle pointing fin. finggrs. tte president playee his part about that. it's like hittinn the americannpeopleetwice.he called on theesenate to pass a bill that would have eliminated billions in tax brraas for oil companies. ammrican oil is booming. the oil industry is doinn just fiin. with record i'm not worried about the big oil companies.up on capitol hill republicaas charged that pil companies for political gain. somehow, they thought that doing this would set up some kind of political win for understand..i mean,,i can't &pimagine anyone giving them an higg fives for not lowerinn gas prices. the bill died in the senate but will no doubt live on in -- can't you