policy allows pilots to fly on some anti-depreesants.but as lizzie o'leary reports, very few have come forwarr--reporter pkg-as back in 2008, collin hughes grounded himself. a ppivate commercial pillt, he was depressed, didn't allow it. "when you aa 3 takk an area of where a person &pis puu into a, you know, mach of here a person is ppt "when "when you take an area of - where a pprsoo is ppt into a, you know, macho pooition, bb ii aviation, sports, aww enforcement, military, who's &pmy psychiatrist? he callee - &phimself psychiatrrst? say, i need to go to my psychiatrist? he called himself "the prozac pilot," and wrote on the web about hisssttuggles.he'' going through the processsand doing everything he can to get there. heegot anonymous replies from fellow pillts and others who struggled with depression, but did nottseek help because ttey feared losing theemedical certtffcation that allows them to fly. natswatching this week's incident on jetblue, &phughes was sympathetii. "pilots are people too. (lauuhs) we're human like &peveryone else. you take somebody's who's flying a 747, boaad. a huge