puts that information into a file onto their server where it's integrated with a map based on g.p.s. readings all this at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. the right number of ways to monitor roads such as photo monitoring in place and monitoring which is special mobile laboratories that in cost up to one million dollars or. one of those other certainly options is this more operated by the russian company craigie own it drives around gathering useful data about the roads themselves as well as just about any other object within site using digital cameras on the top of the vehicle that records information about the surface below the collected data are available for an operator. outfitted with a g.p.s. module. system which allows all the info to be synchronized and. is developed and produced by the company which means they could be fitted to be attached to anyone. these mobile labs at least in part also use an excellent they're basically big boxes on wheels. drive around town essentially do the exact same thing that i was small mobile phones are capable of doing. all of this young.