. >> i am helen hayes. many of us who are living now will never see the end of the conflict which dominates our lives. leaders change and leadership passes from one generation to the next. but for generations, or certainly, for many years, the challenge which confronts us will continue. so it becomes not just a hope, but an urgent condition for a peaceful future that those who are catapulted into the problems of maturity with every passing year, will understand the challenge. and devote themselves to it even as you and i must. interest cannot lag. efforts not cease. it will require the sternest kind of dedication. bred as it were, into the american character. the training grounds in which this discipline will be planted and perfected are the institutions which have shaped our society. particularly, the home, which is always been, in our culture, the nucleus of society itself. the home is the well spring of the strongest qualities of citizenship. and it must remain so if we are to preserve the toughness of m