and you've heard of holland m. smith. they call him holler now because he could yell. but he believed in the concept. so he trained, and that's why we were adept at landing. and when we landed at terawa, t against a heavily fortified beach head. it was said it couldn't be done, and we took that island in 76 hours. now in 76 hours in a beach head that was no larger or the island was no larger than about a third of the size of central park, new york, over 5,000 people were killed and a little over 1,000 people wounded. fortunately, of the killed, a little over 4,000 were japanese, fortunately for us, not for them. when the general was talking about things happening that you don't expect, the complete general staff of the command at terawa was killed on the first day and nobody knew it. how were they killed? for some reason or other the admiral wanted to change his command post so he got his men together and they were walking across the airstrip to another part of the island when an aircraft was going overhead and spotted them and sent word out to a destroyer, the lingold