miriam nisbitt, office of government information services. earlier there's been a little bit of discussion about the foia portal -- project that's currently under construction. one important feature of that is tracking that direct ly brings n every single data point agencies are required to make in their formal report. that tracking process would be available to any agency. that's certainly a good feature in terms of terms of consistency and information, to having data that would particularly help those agencies that right now -- in fact, that's one reason commerce was so interested in participating, is because they know they have the proper tracking ability, you know, in even -- i think that's going a real helpful feature. >> is there anything congress can do to encourage use of the porta portal? since it is voluntary. >> i can say the portal came up at our hearing. and one thing congress has done is raise awareness about it and express support for the roll jut of the portal. senator leahy is also known as the side burst setup. that is somet