we call it the plinmy freeman house because a farler named plinty freeman lived in it from the 1820s into the 1840s. we're showing the time right in the middle of that. we figured we'd put it back to his time. >> it's interesting. this family, this house came from sturbridge just about a mile and a half from here. pliny freeman, the farmer who owned the house, his wife was very ill. suffering from a form of tu burk ewe low sis. at times he didn't have anybody living in the house besides he and his wife. he had two adults, son and daughter living with him from time to time. the rest of his children were all grown up and moved out of the house, all seven of them. so from time to time we know through historic records from the tavern keeper in town that he was taking some of his meems there once in a while. but for the most part you have most of your meals at home. or if you're going visiting, the time to go visiting is after all of the heavy work is done. dinner is at noon. that was the big meal of the day. so right now we're just cleaning up from having some salt cod and potatoes and w