' work as a consultant to the church senate investigation into intelligence abuses reinforced schlessinger's thesis. these first scholarly treatments placed nixon's extra constitutional activities within the broad historical context of the growth of the executive branch in the 20th century. now, of course, richard nixon addressed dissent in his 1978 memoir defending the administration's practice of wiretapping as a legitimate response to, in his words, unprecedented levels of domestic terrorism. the administration's dissent policies, the president insisted, quote, did not involve the use of any measures not previously employed by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. indeed, the president expressed no concern, no remorse rather, excuse me, no remorse, and revealed no inner conflict over his administration's reliance on questionable methods to achieve desired results. in the 1990s as scholars gained access to more white house materials such as presidential recordings, important presidential recordings and documents, their work began to emphasize the personal role that president n