concerned about getting the people who had worked with us over the years out of the country as kevin delany told you, and in large measure we did. there were, however, a few light moments. deadline pressures did not loosen up at the very end. and the last battle that the south vietnamese army fought was in a place called swan lock not too far outside saigon. some of us had gone down there every day because, to tell the truth, there was nothing else to do. the only other thing to do was to go and cover the lines of thousands of people outside the u.s. embassy hoping for visas to come to this country and that was even more of a downer than the battle, let me tell you. so we want to swan lock and we went as far as we could until the fire fight made us go back. some of our colleagues rushed up one day in a jeep. they were on deadline and they wanted us to understand that. they said what's going on up there? well, we said, those of us who had been up there, there's a fire fight up there, there are mortars incoming. there's some sniper fire. it's not very pleasant. and one of the them picked up a