. >> good afternoon, my name is laurie haas.myauglter$emily was shotwice in the back of her head five ywars ago today. as difficult as it is for me to stand here today i can only think of the pain and the horror and the sadoess and the utter devastation to those 32 families that morning and 32 families every y because dangerous people continue to have access, eqsy access wherever they want whenever they want to$weatons. but$i'm$here to challenge and$ suggest that we can fix this problem. a background check is a matter of moments. we lave the teclnology. we lave the means. we lave the matter and we have the determination. we are going to$see fit that our representatives and our legmslators hear our voice and understand that we need to do what it takes o ckground check bevmafirearm purchaser and dohat it takes to$get the records, diwqualifiers and records into the background check system so that cho can no longer buy a firearm. i suspect today!somewhere in one of your home towns, one of your neighborhoods, your neighbor, your frie