in one nine hundred ninety seven as chris's symptoms were getting worse a water well near the mo baldy's was blown out and contaminated by drilling. according to state records on september fifteenth one thousand nine hundred ninety seven barrett resources lost well control while drilling the burned clogged gas well the gas companies told everybody not to drink the water and they actually started delivering water to us then they came back and told us that your water safe to drink so we started you no longer there. when the exposure is salt water pathway people are usually given an alternate drinking water supply you don't think of it but there are a lot of sources of water vapor in the house your dishwasher every time you flush the toilet and you breathe it in if you absorb it through your skin your dose of the volatile organic compounds from the shower water will be several times the dose you would have gotten from drinking water after we started thinking. that a glass of water. there was like a little oil. in desperation chris and steve moved to grand junction colorado abandoning their