ok it's finally time for happy hour and joining me this evening our team producer r.j. web producer andrew blake sorry and artsy producer andriano threw up. her hands happy friday yesterday where should we start out a problem that none of us have all right as well counseling. yet so basically and this is existed at the banks for a long time they have had they have had counselors that help people try to figure out how to manage their wealth but apparently they've seen a special uptake in this is the financial crisis hit since now there's this kind of bitter angry attitude towards people that are part of the one percent land and the thing that i find kind of funny is that first they have the people that come from really rich families they just call them legacy families because that means you don't have to deal with the rich it's label and then there's a thing called sudden wealth syndrome which they help some people deal with and we just thought maybe there's a candidate that we've seen before recently like many athletes before him sat filed for bankruptcy court documents sho