parliament actually when they restored charles ii to the tloen, typically actually there was no parliament, but parliament came together, created the restoration, restored the crown to charles the ii and passed an act legitimizing itself. in essence, they said, well, we weren't really parliament when we chose the king but now that he has chosen and he is here and we're in place, we're going to say we were parliament. fairly smooth transition. we've had transitions in this country from president to president not as smooth as that was. so one of the burke tenants is that government is necessary and there is a divergence on this point between burke and payne. as a matter of fact, burke, much like blackstone, said any government is better than no government and clearly that 100 years before burke was born and when he was becoming active in politics a smoothly functioning government was essential and was essential to the continuation of people's comfort and people's commercial development. you can't understand u.s. history without understanding that of time and the growth of the power of people