settlement, one of the most renowned experts in this area, who is a professor at you see irvine -- at uc irvine. that will be the difference between what is promised and delivered, so we understand that, and i think the third thing that we need to do is we need to keep going. the settlement only applies to the 40% of people who have their loans bond by a private bank or have the lines owned by a bank itself, a private investor or a bank. 60% of the loans are owned by fannie mae and freddie mac, and i think the ag has made a call that is starting to get some traction at the federal level that they not only need to engage in principle reduction but that there has to be a higher level of accountability for whatever role they played and continue to play in the foreclosure problems we are seeing in the state, and the fourth thing is, we have to change state law. state law needs to be adopted. this is a battle that has happened in the legislature for each of the past years, and we have a high level of enrollment at a high level and the legislature, and we have a big, broad, deep coalition, and i thin