any effort to justify profiling, harassment, or oppression of anyone is un-american, illegal, and unctugsle on its face. i pray to see the wisdom of passing ledge slaegs pgislation enforcing immigration laws and put emphasis on passing comprehensive immigration reform, specifically the priority of passing a dream act for the students not only the state of arizona, but across this great country. mr. chairman, members, these are my comments. i respectfully submit them. >> thank you, senator gallardo. mr. landfried, you may proceed. >> thank you, mr. chairman, for inviting me to speak today. for the record, my name is todd landfried, executive direct, of the arizona employers for immigration reform. azer was formed in 2007 and has approximately 400 small, medium, large business members. we are not open borders pro-illegal business addicted to cheap labor nor put profits before patriotism. we know there are serious problems on the board somewhere people's lives are being affected and the issue needs to be addressed. businesses want legal and fsht access to the labor it needs when it needs it fr