companies like alkermes, alks, unique niche in the drug business.ese guys use technology to approve existing drugs and make them less burdensome for patients to take. in january, the fda finally approved biduria, a diabetes drug that can be injected once a week that alkermes developed in partnership. that's a big improvement from the drug that it was based on, which had to be injected twice a day. the company now has five drugs on the market and next year they expect to see double-digit revenue growth, although there won't be any earnings to speak of until 2014, which is why you have to regard it as speculative. alkermes has a hefty pipeline, that's what matters where the company keeps developing better drugs in areas they know well. this company's the opposite of the big old line pharma companies that seem to have hit the wall or fallen off the cliff, the patent cliff that is. let's talk to the chairman and ceo of alkermes to learn more about his company and what's happening with the fda. welcome back to "mad money." thank you for coming on the sho