lee and first lady anita lee, and the man of the our, our special guest, mr. tony bennett.se] -- the man of the our -- the man of the hour, our special guest, mr. tony bennett. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] that is the way you make an entrance, right? [applause] well, mayor lee, mrs. lee, and honored guests, for 50 years, the sounds of tony bennett and his rendition of "i left my heart in san francisco" has said to the world that this city by the bay is the capital of love, beauty, and a unique style that made it one of the plan its tourist destinations. mr. bennett, your voice is the voice of san francisco, and this is your day. [applause] we have a fantastic program for you today. we have some local singers inspired by mr. bennett's career, and they will pay tribute to mr. bennett in song. tony bennett, your dedication to young people is known through countless projects such as your exploring the arts foundation and your founding of the frank sinatra school for the arts. you have proved to be a timeless link between artistic generations. and, of course, your